DYKE A Quarterly, No. 2 p. 50 + inside back cover, ads
TEXT OF ADS in gray, indended. Commentary follows.
Living With Lesbians
Women’s Wax Works A002
An Uncommon Musical Adventure with Alix Dobkin & Friends
Living With Lesbians was the second album from Alix Dobkin. Like her first album, Lavender Jane Loves Women, this one had two versions of a cover. This was the first. Most women found it threatening although we were really just raking apples at the farm. Pictured are left to right, Mary, Smokey, Alix, Penny House and Liza Cowan. Photo by Ginger Legato. Design by Aenjai Graphics.
This album has been blogged about a lot, mostly showing how awful, funny, wierd, it is. Worst record album cover etc. We loved it, but the people spoke and we listened. We made a new cover for the next pressing.
This cover sold well. Photo of Alix Dobkin and the dog Three Maple Betsey Booper (aka Saint Betsey) , photo by LIza Cowan.
Of course, there were always Dykes who loved the first cover, as well as the second. See QueerMusicHeritage
Also Lavender Jane Loves Women
Women’s Wax Works A001
$6 Each (includes postage) Make check payable to
Project No. 1 Preston Hollow NY 123469
Lavender Jane Loves Women was Alix's groundbreaking first album. Never before in the history of the world had there been an album made entirely by women. The musicians, the engineer, even the vinyl pressers were women (although the vinyl pressing company was male owned - the only part of the whole process for which we couldn't find a woman - owned company. But the actual pressers were women. We met them. And, equally important, the album was conceived for an audience of women. Also groundbreaking.
For the first pressing, the abums were shipped to us in plain white sleeves. We had a work party where half a dozen women came over to our apartment and sat around the living room rubber cementing the 12x12 printed paper of the cover art, which was a drawing by Alix. I'm sure there was lots of food, probably a joint or two passed around and lots of good laughs and hard work. Now that's a collector's item.
The second cover came a few years later. Design by LIza Cowan, photo using Mita 900-D copier and cut-out heart. Liza's hand. I don't remember why we changed the art.
Alix released her memoir, My Red Blood, in the Spring of 2010. The last chapters chronicle the time leading up to the release of Lavender Jane Loves Women. Published by Alyson Books you can buy it from them if your local bookstore doesn't carry it. Alyson Books
Limited supply available:
The Flying Lesbians
German record album
Send $6 to : Project #1
Preston Hollow, NY 12469
The Flying Lesbians was a Lesbian Rock Band from Germany.
You can read about them HERE
When band members Monika Jaekel and Monica Savier came to the States, they stayed with us. Later, Alix toured Europe with them.
Feminist Books and Periodicals
Booklist Available
Mail Orders
9 East 5th Street
Tempe AZ 85201
One of the many women's bookstores that peppered the landscape in the 1970's Womansplace no longer exists. Any information about it is welcome. Just drop a line in the comment box.
A women’s press collective for 3 ½ years- formerly Mother Jones Press
‘wimmin printing for wimmin
lesbian publishing
design layout offset printing binding sipping
write or call for an estimate
mail to: c/o WIT Inc P.O.. Box 745, Northampton MA
Deliver to: 19 Hawley St. Northampton MA, Rear Building
See Elana Dykewoman, here and here
I asked asked the CLGA- Canadian Lesbian and Gay archives if they had some infromation on Long Time Coming. They had a response for me within hours. Archivist RULE! Thanks to Elizabeth Bailey at CLGA and Michelle Schwartz who supplied the following information:
From Never Going Back by Tom Warner, page 83
"A few months after its founding, some members of Montreal Gay Women began publishing Long Time Coming, the first regularly produced publication exclusively for lesbians in Canada. Long Time Coming found a receptive readership that stretched across North America. But, in testament to the times, none of the women involved allowed her real name to be published. In all, Long Time Coming produced approximately twenty issues from June 1973 until it folded in 1976."
The citation given for this is: Laura Yaros, "Long Time Coming: Long Time Gone," Amazones d'Hier: Lesbiennes d'Aujourd'hui, vol. 5, March 1988.
From Lesbian and Gay Liberation in Canada: A Selected Chronology, 1964-1975 by Don McLeod, page 130
"July, 1973. Montreal. The first issue of Long Time Coming was published by Montreal Gay Women. Edited by Jackie Manthorne, this was the first lesbian journal published in Canada. Long Time COming contained news, poetry, opinion pieces, book reviews, advertisements, and listings. It ceased publication in April-May 1976, after twenty issues."
The citation given for this:
Margaret Fulford, ed. The Canadian Women's Movement, 1960-1990: A Guide to Archival Resources/Le mouvement de femmes, 1960-199: guide de resources archivistiques (Toronto: Canadian Women's Movement Archives/ECW Press, 1992), Entry 618.
Don McLeod's book is available for free as a pdf from the University of Toronto website.
A You're An Amazon button by White Mare Inc
For more on White Mare Buttons see HERE
ad for Riverfinger Women by Elana Dykewomon
For more on Elana Dykewomon see HERE and HERE