Topic: lockheed Martin agit prop Feed

Liza Cowan Occupy Graphics.

When I was designing posters for the Burlington Vermont No Lockheed Campaign, I realized I had a real taste for agit prop (see them HERE). So when Occupy came to town, I set my hand to designing a series of posters. You can see them on my Flickr sets HERE

This one is my favorite. It is available through Occuprint


WITCHES OCCUPY VERMONT with orange cropped and signed


 Occupy Vermont. ©Liza Cowan/CowanDesign


I know that local Occupy movements are important, but I decided to focus on an overarching theme: Occupy Patriarchy. The drawing is one I made in the early 1970's copying an image from a Greek Vase.


 Occupy Patriarchy poster by ©Liza Cowan/CowanDesign 2011


If you are interested in the ideas behind Occupy Patriarchy you can find a great resource HERE 

Below is one of my favorite Occupy Burlington posters, using what my regular readers know is a constant source of pleasure, vintage postcards. This one from 1906.

Today we occupied Burlington postcardToday We Occupied Burlington. Poster ©Liza Cowan/CowanDesign 2011


Liza Cowan posters in NY Times: NO LOCKHEED


 NO Lockheed, poster, What Will Lockheed Bring, by Liza Cowan, 2011

On May 12th The New York Times ran an article about Burlington Vermont activist group, No Lockheed, and the struggle to prevent a partnership between the city and the war profiteer arms dealer Lockheed Martin. 

I'm a part of the group and the story featured two of my 14 agit prop No Lockheed posters. 


War Is Peace: Lockheed Martin's Dystopian Vision

George orwell 1984 signet edition cover adapted by Liza Cowan for NoLockheed Burlington vt

Adapted from  Signet Books cover for George Orwell's dystopian novel,1984

The idea of Lockheed Martin heading up Climate Initiatives makes about as much sense as wearing a plunging neckline while sporting a button that reads "Anti Sex League"

"War is Peace"

"Freedom Is Slavery"

"Ignorance Is Strength"

 Quotation source

And because this IS an art educational blog, you will be interested in the source of this image as well:
George orwell 1984 signet books 1951 art by Alan Harmon

George Orwell, 1984, Signet Books 1951. Cover art by Alan Harmon

Lockheed Martin wants what's best for you: If by "you" they mean "themselves"

Poster by Liza Cowan CowanDesign for NoLockheed

Do not listen to the poison that spills from the pens of the Public Relations department at Lockheed Martin. To earn your trust, they spend more per year than you make in a lifetime. 


Will you let them buy you?


I have a nice bridge I could sell you.



PACT WITH THE DEVIL - Stop Lockheed Martin from partnering with Burlington, Vermont


Burlington, Vermont makes pact with the Devil aka Lockheed Martin. Old woodcut adapted by Liza Cowan

Lockheed Martin makes their profits - which are huge - from endless war. The mayor of Burlington Vermont has signed a letter of intent to bring Lockheed Martin to Burlington to head up our climate change initiatives.


Faustian, you say?