TOPIC: Climate Feed

Interview with Liza Cowan on "The Canteen Podcast" from Paleo Canteen

Liza cowan the future is farmers cup from
The Future is Farmers cup available at Liza's shop


Paleo Canteen is a catering and meal delivery restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland. They cook, package, and deliver high quality paleo meals throughout the UK. The owner/chef is Ally Houston. Ally has a background in science as well as in high end restaurant cooking, and has a lively and inquiring mind. So in addition to running Paleo Canteen, he also produces a podcast, interviewing fascinating people, mostly about sustainable agriculture, cattle and sheep farming, biodiversity, and the impact of food on the health and well being of humans, animals, and the land. As well as what the guest enjoy eating. 

I was honored to be on Ally's podcast, and we had so much fun recording it. It will be available as a video at some point, but right now it's available as a podcast through the Paleo Canteen website, as well as on various streaming services like iTunes, Spotify and others. 


On the website here

on Anchor here 

On streaming services look for The Canteen Podcast


Liza cowan The Canteen Podcast September 2019

Here's some of what we discussed:

  • Veganism, the left, and farming.
  • How Dyke, A Quarterly came about.
  • How the viral sensation of The Future Is Female came about
  • Ketogenic diet for weight loss.
  • Cows and climate change.
  • Regenerative farming history.
  • Propaganda and its place in public debate around nutrition.
  • The reasons that vegetarianism is wrongly associated as progressive.
  • Temple Grandin’s work.
  • Body positivity and fashion.
  • Sustainable fashion including Birdsong and NvBlack.
  • What Liza eats.
  • What Ally eats.


And do check out the other episodes of The Canteen Podcast, including interviews with :

*Dr Liz Genever, sheep and beef consultant,

     on Why We Should Love Our Farmers

*Professor Tim Noakes, The scientist who changed his mind, and how the low carb diet went on trial with him. 

*Professor Ken Stain, The physicist who experimented on himself with low carb nutrition

*Amber O'Hearn, The Carnivore Who Cured her bipolar disorder with a carnivore diet. 

*Andrew Scarborough, Surviving Incurable Brain Cancer

*Dr. Alison Van Eenannaam, on Animal Genetics, Food Marketing, and World Hunger

*Darren McGarvy on poverty, food and addiction


and MORE!

Recent designs for a sustainable future: Soil

Some graphics I've been making recently about soil. Healthy Soil = Healthy Planet. That means yes organic farming, no pesticides, no monocrops, yes pasture raised animals, yes controlled grazing, and yes to other eco-agricultural practices to work with Mother Nature to promote biodiversity and make the planet's soil healthy again.


Liza cowan design love your mother earth 2019



Liza cowan design water sunshine soil



Liza cowan nourish the soil 2019

School Garden Army and Climate Strike

edward penfield, school garden, climate solutions, victory garden


What if all the school children and their teachers who went on the recent Climate Strike had spent the day creating organic gardens at their schools? And then gone home to help their parents and neighbors create community gardens, or front yard gardens or back yard gardens? If  food availability or food insecurity is a part of climate change, then creating small, sustainable, local, organic gardens is part of climate solutions .
In my opinion, it would have been much more productive than marching with signs. Signs just end up in the landfill as paper waste.  A garden ends up feeding the families and neighborhoods. And a good, organic garden helps feed the soil and sequester carbon. Win/win.
Poster by one of my favorite artists, Edward Penfield. Oh how I wish I owned this poster.