Alice Austen In Jeans
Vote. It still means the world. Obama 2012

At Alice Austen House Museum

My daughter and I enjoyed ourselves thoroughly at the Pug Fest at Alice Austen House Museum last weekend. Not only are we pug fans (and owners) but we are fans of Alice's life work as a pioneering 19th Century photographer. See more about Alice on this blog here and the Alice Austen House Museum website here.

View to nyc from alice austen house staten Island. Photo © Liza Cowan. 2012View From Alice Austen House Museum, across The Narrows. Photo ©Liza Cowan

This view across the Narrows would have been very different in Alice's day. But it is still gorgeous. 

Staten island circa 1900 New York City (New York, United States) _ Introduction -- Britannica Online EncyclopediaStaten Island circa 1900. You can see The Narrows in the upper right.


The narrows with willa and saki ©Liza CowanWilla and Saki in the water at Alice Austen House, Staten Island NY. ©Liza Cowan


Panoramic view from alice austen house ©liza cowan 2012View from Alice Austen House across the water. ©Liza Cowan
