Children's reading primers
January 10, 2010
Here are a few lovely examples:
The Easy Road To Reading, Lyons & Carnihan 1919-25, illustrated by Mary Louise Spoor and Gertrude Spaller.
The Easy Road To Reading First Reader. Illustrated by Mary Louise Spoor. For more on ML Spoor
Champion Arithmetics, children's math primer, 1937, Evanston IL
Champion Arithmetics. Illustration by Nell Hulke Compton. 1937
Happy Days, Quinlan Readers. 1949 Allen and Bacon Publishers
Happy Days Children's primer. Quinlan readers. 1949. Illustration Constance Heffron
Down Our Street. McMillan 1939.
Down Our Street. Children's reader. 1939
Health Stories and Practice, 1931, Lyons & Carnahan publisher, illustrations by Vera Stone Norman and Irene Dorcy
Health Stories and Practice. 1931. Illustrated by Vera Store Norman or Irene Dorcy
Health Stories and Practice. 1931. Illustrated by Vera Store Norman or Irene Dorcy
Journey to Health Land. Ginn & Co. 1924, illustrated by Blanche Fisher Laite
A Journey To Health Land. Illustration Blanche Fisher Laite 1924
Childhood Readers, City and Country, Scribners,1932, illustrated by Florence and Margaret Hoopes and Margaret Freeman.
Childhood Readers, City and Country. Illustrated by Florence and Margaret Hoopes and Margaret Freeman. 1932
Childhood Readers, City and Country. Illustrated by Florence and Margaret Hoopes & Margaret Freeman, 1932
Childhood Readers, City and Country. Illustrated by Florence and Margaret Hoopes & Margaret Freeman, 1932
Meet Our Friends, Bobbs Merrill 19500. Illustrated by Janet Ross and Raymon Naylor
Meet Our Friends. 1950. Illustrated by Janet Ross and Raymon Naylor